Friday, July 10, 2009

They keep coming, don't they?

Today, it was only me, Pik Leng and Ameera. With other guests such as Huda and Ili and some 'pekebuns'.

Same as always, everyone sat under the shade and started their usual routine. Chopping, digging and mixing. Of course with Huda and Ili around, chatting too.

Ameera , Pik Leng , Ili and Huda chopping waste.

Ili and Huda listening to Pik Leng explaining about compost.

Ameera and Pik Leng...

An example of an 'maturing' compost

Waste being violently chopped by Pik Leng.

Our compost's 'home sweet home'.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The soil is calling for you..

As usual started making our compost to add into the batch and well as usual normal noises.
Nadiah and Uma ?? Oh! We also have a new member! Ameera Liyana. Thanks for joining us.

Apart from that, Tuesday 7/7/09, everyone must stayback for the Pencinta Alam meeting. Until 5.00 p.m. Please try and make it. We have lots of work to do.

Look! We have a new member!! Say hello to Ameera Liyana!!

Aisyah chopping..



Example of the compost once added with water,waste and soil.